What are the benefits of having domain-based email address?
A domain-based email address, like info@yourdomain.com, where yourdomain.com is the name of your website, helps your business or brand look more professional with customers and visitors. It pains me to see businesses and even small healthcare providers that need HIPPA compliance using a free gmail or ISP email account, ex employeename.businessname@gmail/yahoo.com. While it is a good start that you aren’t using your personal email to conduct business, it is still not a clean look and it looks unprofessional, and again, think of compliance issues you may run into.
If you’re having trouble agreeing, let’s dive a little deeper. Time for you, the business owner, to put on your consumer thinking hat. Image being the consumer, looking at your business from the outside. Or, image a previous time you had to contact a business – what was their email? Did you trust it? If it didn’t use their domain name, how did you determine you found the right email? Anyone could have created a free email account and used a different name or email like fakeemployeename.businessname@gmail/yahoo.com and followed the original business’s naming convention, and you’d have no way of knowing if the business really created it or not.
With a domain based email, you know that the email it belongs to the business you want to reach because it ends in yourdomain.com. Again, it absolutely sets your business apart from others!
We offer email hosting with unlimited mailbox sizes, and can use G-Suite or O365, both are cloud hosted, and integrate with Outlook or any preferred email app such as the default email app on your smartphone.